Integrated marketing:
Snickers' ad agency put together am amazingly creative PPC campaign. They compiled a list of the top 500 most commonly misspelled words in search with the help of Google (as usually Google Adwords automatically corrects misspellings and it is against the terms of service to deliberately target misspelled words) and used an algorithm to generate 25,381 different misspelled words. They used these terms to create a "You Are Not You When You're Hungry" campaign. Within two days - yes, two days - Snickers received 558,589 impressions with a stunningly highCTR of 1.05%.
Snickers' ad agency put together am amazingly creative PPC campaign. They compiled a list of the top 500 most commonly misspelled words in search with the help of Google (as usually Google Adwords automatically corrects misspellings and it is against the terms of service to deliberately target misspelled words) and used an algorithm to generate 25,381 different misspelled words. They used these terms to create a "You Are Not You When You're Hungry" campaign. Within two days - yes, two days - Snickers received 558,589 impressions with a stunningly highCTR of 1.05%.
That is, they reached their target of appealing to over half a million people, 558,589 people to be exact! The three-day campaign resulted in 5,874 visitors to the site.
This humorous campaign increased mind recall for its target audience, thus creating an incredibly effective, albeit unconventional marketing campaign. It is also fair to say that Snickers most certainly got their money’s worth on this campaign, as bidding on misspelt keywords is not nearly as competitive as bidding on popular keywords or even branded search terms. It is probable that their PPC budget, was still kept looking nice and healthy. What a clever unconventional marketing campaign! Using the principles of any strong Adwords campaign – numbers, PPC/ key words and CPC, and combining it with audience interaction and humour, Snickers saw success.
Initially, the campaign was intended as solely a branding exercise and not necessarily designed to generate CTRs. However, it's important to be aware that this specific campaign might not have been successful solely off the back of the PPC campaign. The "You're Not You When You're Hungry" campaign has been in the works since at least the 2010 Superbowl. To build interest around the campaign, teaser videos and a PR outreach were released that showcased celebrities, notably Betty White. The campaign also utilized print to showcase a variety of celebrities, display ads to relevant audiences, an online video campaign, and social media to engage with the brand's Facebook community. It also appears that the campaign has, at some point, leveraged celebrity tweets, newspaper placements, and Snicker's handouts that have resulted in 705,000 additional Snicker's bars sold that year compared to the previous year, as well as double digit growth in sales.
Integrated marketing:
Snickers has a history of delivering successful integration campaigns. In 2010, Snickers used multiple ads in several media channels to share the same message. Commercial featuring then 88-year-old Betty White playing football with a group of men is shown in the Promotions page. The idea was that eating a Snicker bar would fill you with energy to be at the top of your game, no matter your physical stature.
Snicker’s simultaneously published magazine and billboard ads conveying the same message. Part of what made this Snickers campaign so memorable was the timing. An important piece of the strategy behind successful integrated campaigns has to do with when to deliver the message and on what channel for optimal brand awareness.
Social Responsible Marketing: Cause Marketing
Here’s how it works: Snickers is donating the cost of 2.5 million meals to Feeding America, the nation’s leading hunger-relief charity. On the inside of the wrapper is a code. Text that code to 45495… or enter it at… and Snickers will donate the cost of one meal to Feeding America, up to one million additional meals.

The Feeding America website says that each dollar you donate provides seven meals. So Snickers donation might be something like $500,000.
It doesn’t hurt that 3.5 million is a much bigger number than $500,000.
By guaranteeing 2.5 million meals, the risk of a poor response to the offer is mitigated for Feeding America. Likewise the risk that the promotion could take off leaving Snickers on the hook for a much bigger donation is also allayed.
Feeding America is the biggest player in this space and the right partner for Snickers, which positions itself as the snack that ‘handles your hunger.’
Initially, the campaign was intended as solely a branding exercise and not necessarily designed to generate CTRs. However, it's important to be aware that this specific campaign might not have been successful solely off the back of the PPC campaign. The "You're Not You When You're Hungry" campaign has been in the works since at least the 2010 Superbowl. To build interest around the campaign, teaser videos and a PR outreach were released that showcased celebrities, notably Betty White. The campaign also utilized print to showcase a variety of celebrities, display ads to relevant audiences, an online video campaign, and social media to engage with the brand's Facebook community. It also appears that the campaign has, at some point, leveraged celebrity tweets, newspaper placements, and Snicker's handouts that have resulted in 705,000 additional Snicker's bars sold that year compared to the previous year, as well as double digit growth in sales.
Integrated marketing:
Snickers has a history of delivering successful integration campaigns. In 2010, Snickers used multiple ads in several media channels to share the same message. Commercial featuring then 88-year-old Betty White playing football with a group of men is shown in the Promotions page. The idea was that eating a Snicker bar would fill you with energy to be at the top of your game, no matter your physical stature.
Snicker’s simultaneously published magazine and billboard ads conveying the same message. Part of what made this Snickers campaign so memorable was the timing. An important piece of the strategy behind successful integrated campaigns has to do with when to deliver the message and on what channel for optimal brand awareness.
Social Responsible Marketing: Cause Marketing
Here’s how it works: Snickers is donating the cost of 2.5 million meals to Feeding America, the nation’s leading hunger-relief charity. On the inside of the wrapper is a code. Text that code to 45495… or enter it at… and Snickers will donate the cost of one meal to Feeding America, up to one million additional meals.

The Feeding America website says that each dollar you donate provides seven meals. So Snickers donation might be something like $500,000.
It doesn’t hurt that 3.5 million is a much bigger number than $500,000.
By guaranteeing 2.5 million meals, the risk of a poor response to the offer is mitigated for Feeding America. Likewise the risk that the promotion could take off leaving Snickers on the hook for a much bigger donation is also allayed.
Feeding America is the biggest player in this space and the right partner for Snickers, which positions itself as the snack that ‘handles your hunger.’